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The Walking Dead

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2021 3:16 pm
by Annin_Tofu
I do enjoy this show, but I think it's so hard to follow now, giving how long it has existed.

Back when it began, there was Rick, his son, his wife, and other survivors came and went. Unfortunately, many of the characters were eventually killed off. Now they've met up with so many other survivors from these different safe spots, and for some episodes, they can go out on a supply run together, without you really remembering people's names and their back story, due to just how many people are involved now.

Realistically speaking, there must be more than 80 survivors. But some people are simply introduced in that one episode, like this huge black guy called Duncan, or a man named Frost. Although with how these people interact, you're supposed to believe these people have known each other for years. It just doesn't make sense.

Also, every week, they constantly "bounce around" a lot, and I get that this is so they can concentrate on certain characters and storylines. But by doing so, it's hard to piece it all together. You basically have to see every new episode now, or you'd be lost.

To make things even more awkward, look at all of the spin off content that AMC and Fox airs as well. Now it's so hard to keep up with just about everything. :P

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2021 6:04 pm
by Otherworld
Still watching it.

It has gotten better for the last little while.

It is time to put this series out to pasture.

Re: The Walking Dead

Posted: Sat Nov 27, 2021 7:48 am
by Annin_Tofu
I generally enjoy it, but find that the plot can feel kind of disjointed at times. This is probably because there's too many characters now, whereas older seasons tended to only have just a small group, and the antagonists kept it interesting. But when Negan finally arrived, it started to feel like watching paint slowly drying. It basically ended up quite repetitive. Not that I don't like Negan. He's a great character. But just in general, I felt as if some seasons began to drag out too much...